Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fritz Online: Now with brightness!

No, don't adjust your monitor, your eyes aren't lying to you. I've actually done something that isn't all black. I know, I know. it's a little weird. I'm sure you'll get used to it though. If I'm feeling especially artsy at some point I'll make my own banner image and such. And knowing me, in in a month I'll get rid of it all and go back to a nice black-on-black design.

The real question, of course, is what on earth am I going to put up here?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Facts of Life

"Mere cleverness is not meant to cope with the facts of birth and death."
~ Pen-Hsien

I've been thinking a lot lately about mindfulness and trying to live in the current moment. I've come to the conclusions that if I structure my time better and get things done when I need to I'll end up with less to worry in the future, and be able to concentrate better on the present.